10 old jobs

May 27, 2009

milk man

bring out your dead guy


wheel maker

cosset tape assembly

avatar designers

mercury mining




weird pictures

May 15, 2009


This looks very animated but still very weird


this is a stupid idea for shoes but it is a cool idea.


This is an amazing design with peoples hands


This is a real picture that has a surreal look to it


this is a cool building that i would like to live in or build one like it


March 10, 2009


I learned how to decorate and to turn objects around and on their sides


I learned how to color and change the surrounding objects


I learned how to copy and place objects in the right places


i learned how to change the backgrounds and the coloring/ shading


I learned to have things overlapping and a little shaded so it looks overlapping


I learned how to create and recreate an object so it can fit the requirments


The purpose was to be able to change the spelling but to have the same writing

photoshop 6-10

February 17, 2009


To change the 3-D pictures with there text

(C) utilize hardware and software flexibility needed to produce documents to address different computer applications;

Use the software needed for the technology

(D) demonstrate basic writing techniques;

Easy techniques of writing


The ability to create different objects and the comparison to the real thing are to close

(C) utilize hardware and software flexibility needed to produce documents to address different computer applications;

Use the software needed for the technology

(D) demonstrate basic writing techniques;

Easy techniques of writing


how to make a 2-d object into a 3-D object

(C) utilize hardware and software flexibility needed to produce documents to address different computer applications;

Use the software needed for the technology

(D) demonstrate basic writing techniques;

Easy techniques of writing


to change the focus and bend to the picture and to change the lens into a wide lens from a regular one

(C) utilize hardware and software flexibility needed to produce documents to address different computer applications;

Use the software needed for the technology

(D) demonstrate basic writing techniques;

Easy techniques of writing


to change the color and fix the lines from a photo

(C) utilize hardware and software flexibility needed to produce documents to address different computer applications;

Use the software needed for the technology

(D) demonstrate basic writing techniques;

Easy techniques of writing


to change the color and red eye of the picture

(C) utilize hardware and software flexibility needed to produce documents to address different computer applications;

Use the software needed for the technology

(D) demonstrate basic writing techniques;

Easy techniques of writing


I learned shading, hiding and having a picture overlapping another.

(C) utilize hardware and software flexibility needed to produce documents to address different computer applications;

Use the software needed for the technology

(D) demonstrate basic writing techniques;

Easy techniques of writing


February 9, 2009


i learned shading and color differ in the background from the forground

(C) list available hardware and software most appropriate for specific tasks.

Shows the information in order

(3) The student applies word processing technology. The student is expected to:

Do all the work


i learned how to type and change the size of the font

(C) list available hardware and software most appropriate for specific tasks.

Shows the information in order

(3) The student applies word processing technology. The student is expected to:

Do all the work


i learned how to patch up messed up spots

(C) list available hardware and software most appropriate for specific tasks.

Shows the information in order

(3) The student applies word processing technology. The student is expected to:

Do all the work


Facial patch ups were needed in this and color

(C) list available hardware and software most appropriate for specific tasks.

Shows the information in order

(3) The student applies word processing technology. The student is expected to:

Do all the work


To get ride of the marks and fake parts had to be colored over with the same color as the back ground

(C) list available hardware and software most appropriate for specific tasks.

Shows the information in order

(3) The student applies word processing technology. The student is expected to:

Do all the work


to copy and move a picture with out the outlines and background colors

(C) list available hardware and software most appropriate for specific tasks.

Shows the information in order

(3) The student applies word processing technology. The student is expected to:

Do all the work


How to change the gradient and size of the photo

(C) list available hardware and software most appropriate for specific tasks.

Shows the information in order

(3) The student applies word processing technology. The student is expected to:

Do all the work

January 28, 2009


Raster graphics are digital images created or captured (for example, by scanning in a photo) as a set of samples of a given space. A raster is a grid of x and y coordinates on a display space.

A vector is a quantity or phenomenon that has two independent properties: magnitude and direction.

bitmap is a type of memory organization or image file format used to store digital images

anti-aliasing is the technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as aliasing when representing a high-resolution signal at a lower resolution.

PDF is a file format created by Adobe Systems in 1993 for document exchange. PDF is used for representing two-dimensional documents in a manner independent of the application software, hardware, and operating system

AI is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML specification and file format for describing two-dimensional vector graphics, both static and dynamic (interactive or animated).

Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based drawing program developed and marketed by Adobe Systems.

Adobe photo shop It is the current and primary market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation, and is the flagship product of Adobe Systems



January 21, 2009


You can see the difference cant you

the resolutions are from 7 all the way to 16.7

pics and a story

January 6, 2009

this break i went the beach and played beach volleyball with some of my friends but it was a little cold so it only lasted a few minutes.

i got a new ipod nano so i was happy and it works except for the shaking ability



i also eat a ton of food for christmass

we got on our grandfather’s tractor and knocked this tree over




December 3, 2008


  1. 2003
  2. 5 years
  3. DNA
  4. James Watson
  5. Deoxyribonucleic acid 0-375-415576-7
  6. QH437W3872003
  7. NO


  1. 1993
  2. 15 years
  3. Energy
  4. Jack Challoner
  5. 0-7894-55765
  6. tj163.23.c43
  7. no


  1. 1985
  2. 23 years
  3. Robots
  4. Issac Asimov
  5. Its about the making of robots 0-517-55110
  6. tj211.A83
  7. no

Email quiz

November 24, 2008

1. you should always have a a subject so people don’t think its spam and so they know who or what its for.

2. you shouldn’t leave your email name so people cant get it or so people cant send your friends spam

3. you should so people know if your going or bringing something

4. you should use the cc so if they are in the conversation they can read what we wrote

5. you should reply because it is only sent to you or one other person. it is also personal

6. you shouldn’t because sometimes they can send you junk mail or just send you bad stuff

7. you shouldn’t because then that person may sell or send spam to all of them

8. yeah i should because i’m from Roswell

9. you shouldnt

10 you should